Monday, March 31, 2025
InicioMost popular padel newsWhere, how and when to watch Riyadh Premier Padel

Where, how and when to watch Riyadh Premier Padel


With the first tournament just around the corner in Riyadh, let’s take a look at what’s new for where and how to watch Premier Padel around the world.

The recent inclusion of RedBull as one of Premier Padel’s main partners alters plans a little from last season. Let’s take a look:

Where to watch

In Spain

The matches of the professional circuit Premier Padel can be followed in Spain through its official YouTube channel. That is, it will continue to be free for fans.

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As confirmed by the FIP, this will be the case at least in the first tournaments of the year. Although, from the circuit have open negotiations with several operators in Spain with a view to expanding the television offer.

In America

Star+ will be in charge of broadcasting all the rounds of the Riyadh Premier Padel in South America. In addition, RedBull TV will broadcast on its platform from the quarter-finals onwards free of charge.

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Bein Sports will carry the coverage in the United States and Canada, covering one of the markets with the greatest future potential for professional padel.

Rest of the world

See below for more information on where to watch:

Dispatcher Countries YouTube, ¿yes or no?
beIN Argelia, Líbano, Libia, Somalia, Yibuti, Kuwait, Mauritania, Marruecos, Bahréin, Omán, Arabia Saudí, Jordania, Chad, Egipto, Irán, Palestina, Irak, Qatar, Sudán del Sur, Sudán, Siria, Túnez, EAU, Yemen Disponible
Deporte TV Turquía Rounds 1-3 not available
Via Play Estonia, Letonia, Lituania, Noruega, Dinamarca, Finlandia, Suecia, Islandia Rounds 1-3 not available
Canal+ Francia, territorios franceses de ultramar (Reunión, Mayotte, Nueva Caledonia, Polinesia Francesa, San Pedro y Miquelón, Tierras Australes y Antárticas Francesas y Wallis y Futuna) Andorra, Mónaco, República Checa, Eslovaquia, Bélgica, Países Bajos, Rumanía, Hungría, Suiza Rounds 1-3 and QF not available
Canal+ Polonia, Vietnam, Myanmar Rounds 1-3 not available
Canal+ Angola, Burundi, Benin, Botsuana, Burkina Faso, Camerún, Cabo Verde, República Centroafricana, Chad, Comoras, Congo, República Democrática del Congo, Yibuti, Guinea Ecuatorial, Eritrea, Etiopía, Gabón, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Costa de Marfil, Kenia, Liberia, Madagascar, Malaui, Mauritania, Mauricio, Malí, Mozambique, Namibia, Níger, Nigeria, Ruanda, Santo Tomé y Príncipe, Sierra Leona, Somalia, Senegal, Seychelles, Socotra, Sudán, Sudán del Sur, Eswatini, St. Helena y Ascensión, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zanzíbar y Zimbabue QF not available
RedBull TV En todo el mundo excluidos, hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2026: Suiza, Francia, Andorra, Mónaco, Haití, Bélgica, Países Bajos, Rumanía, Hungría, Vietnam, Myanmar, Polonia, República Checa y Eslovaquia. Rounds 1-3 not available in RedBull TV


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How to watch

As mentioned in the previous section, it will be available on YT and RedBull TV. For the former, having a Google account will be enough, there is no mystery.

For the latter, you just need to register for an account on the energy drinks platform and you can watch it both on the website and on the app, which is available for many devices.

When to watch

Now! The broadcast starts today after the final draws have been completed following the completion of the qualifiers, which have left some surprises such as the early elimination of Libaak/Augsburguer.

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