Monday, March 31, 2025
InicioPadel NewsRodri Ovide's uncertainty

Rodri Ovide’s uncertainty


The Argentinian coach shared on his social networks a great training session to work on the volley with a very peculiar object on the court.

Let’s see what it’s all about and what the coach’s main objective is as he works with Juan Tello and Gemma Triay.

Rodri’s inventions

That’s what Gemma commented in Ovide’s post. The coach presented them with a new exercise to work on uncertainty in the volley with a trampoline. In addition, through the same concept he applied two variants to the exercise:

  1. Up close, with almost no reaction time.
  2. From a distance, working on the precision and surprise of the ball’s exit to look for a second shot of definition.
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Tennis racket?

It is curious to see Ovide hitting with a tennis racket in the video, in fact, many people asked Ovide about it in the publication. He himself answered the question: “The racket is because I generate more speed with it”.

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